Well, ive recent`ly, been making grave errors of judge`ment in ref to my pilot project and group relaunch which you`ll,be glad to know ive given up on and even in this post b4now ,,2say the very least and, in some small, way,i`m,hoping
to explain my`self,away
...Good job i wasn`t, selling ye`s, tickets 2c`me,aint'it,boy
i would, be in trouble, big`style poor me i`d have had to flit the country though dare say a lot of people would be happy if i did....
Ok, i'm goin too make this as easy as pos, and,propose some rhym or reason 4it all.
As,follow`s.. burning the candle at both ends 4`2long.} totally,strung'out
{ hardknock life, henpecked 2much, .... so` many are so trapped inside by such things ye ken,,,reactions can vary ye know.... hearts and minds ,an,such etc etc.
women know only 2well...and give us guys
good advice about not keeping it all inside though, they often do`so themselfs..yep
i`ll,shutup 4u`now anyways {he`said,ouickly}
All or part,of the,above, which,pair of shoes would suit me take you`re pick of the bunch people what,else,ok, well,this post was,goin 2b origin`ly, an interview wi`a cdj,
guess i blew my trumpet way 2soon,and tryed 2compensate 4it, droppin myself in deeper, yep nobody but myself to blame 4that,,more fool me; rambling on a wee bit huh; ay anywaz
So,i figure, i can just,say some,of those thing, now,, there maybe some people out there ive caused offence to and some who might even think i`m a bit of a religous nutcase so am i ?
though; believe it or not i am a very critical person ;as youll see both here and in previous posts on religion, but you want to know if i'm a religous nutcase well the answer is not really..
, but,i am a believer, or follower its just, that,look as hard as i can, i can`t,see
the,saviour, saying, to his diciples, well,done guys,your, now a member,of the,christian,church, for the,record, i`d, swear,he did,say ive come 2save the world,
not,judge,it..so i dont,know,why,so,many christians,as they,like to,call,themself's
get a big kick,out,of judgeing,other`s,
and,if,that,means,im mad, id,rather be,mad,
than,small,minded any`day...
And , you should,checkout, the turin shroud/real
face of jesus, project .. interesting stuff by the way..if your intersted that is;
look,i know,i should,have,kept,a lid,on it,till,i understood, what,it was,about,myself and
if,its any concilation,i feel, a right div,, well, right,now,after sifting through
200+ video`s,to try and, get a decent,mild`ly,entertain`ing, show,,after,3wks,ok 4wks
i, believe,just,like,myself,,buildin up,my s c..ive,got there
in the,end,but as, with,most,thing's, its what,other`s,think,that,matters,the,most..
pssss,i aint looking,4praise, but,a few friends with, vision and,free`thinkers ,would,be a bonus.. some ordinary people who value individuel
freedoms and who hold, strong beliefs on family affairs, who`d,like to, make,sure,that both as individuel, and as part of a family each and evry`one of us
get a fair deal in society.
Thats what this mad guy here was tryin to do with this
prject and thats what Web_familysfirst was all,about.. recruitment, nothing more nothing
less, even though ive messed it up, thats what it`s been about
And can i just, say this,,the, day, science,can prove the,existence,of,dark,matter,
and,stick`it,in front,of,my eye`s,is the,day,i`ll,stop,believing,in god,fair enuff,yeah,,
youre`s,truly,madly deeply passionately,in,love,with,music,,cdj
{ now i didn`t,say i
was finished did i, nope thats just a state`ment of fact and,keepin
a lid on my passion4 music throwin partys and,such,its just been a long social, gap
in my life, guess im just gettin bored with, being underestimated or mayb thats just the way i ve felt Guess im needin a calming influence or a big party whic`ever comes first...
.[sorryfolks,, but i am a guy whose survived and,seen,more of life than ye can imagine
guess im lookin to, sell myself,even if it took a while,to workout what i had to sell.. well, time will tell wont it by th`way .. and reader i wish,i had another place to go2 say these things really i do but, unfortunate`ly 4both i dont .least not as yet anyway.. but, at least, ye might,gauge me in light of, depth of feelings unless
thats politic`ly incorrect 2these days
,god hope,not and god save you from walkin in,my
shoes anyone of ye`s, and thats,from an honourary, londen`er, so,trust,me on`it...
sorry to be so public with strong feeling`s, and despite, feel`ing low value being
placed upon my abilities etc etc still,have a great deal of lv an respect 4those in my
life..And sincere apolgies for venting my`self like, ive done & if i have caused offence to anyone ether in my life or others then that wasn`t the intention to begin with but sorry just the same..
..how`ever,I. true`ly have both love and respect for friends etc..and i,
BUT lv,bein so involved for so long and i hope theyll forgive me even mentioning them in this post so....anyways, who am i to talk about faults while,i have more than,enuf
of my own still trying too change that around people....and,now if i may speak on
religion again
I dont know when the split began that set us apart from our muslim bro`s&sisters but i do know,theres multitudes of difrent, politized, sections, from the earliest,period to
the present time,who, love to stir things up, between us, and, caused rifts between themselfs and us and same applies to our jewish relatives ; by lies and misunderstandings of scripture leading to a division a split in our human family and
can i ask this question in,this throw`a'way/poverty society is the practice of division ; racial hatred no matter who falls victim to its ugly face
is it a good thing ; when thugs haters attack innocent people merely becoz they have been identified as jew or muslim which ever side of the debate your on.
And very often the goals,
have been land,and reserves more than anything else.i think weve,all had enough lives lost
on both sides of the equation, and 2b fair, its goverments that cause wars and,division not its citizens of any given country, god knows weve got enuf 2contend,
with without starting world war 3 in the,name of democrazy and justice
While, we experience very little,of it in our own,lifes.
.Especially these days
libertys such as peaceful demonstrations ,pregnant women being kept huddled in by so`called,protecters of the public. innocent bystander's being pushed by same, and gettin away with causing death by such actions..
AND, so many other,unjust things goin
on in this country alone.
Both in the past and present time..And if you`d,like to see
some other motivation for why i am, like i am, just follow the webfamilys trail via
the links ive put in here..Battles with authority `s, that seem point`less and left
with'out any recourse to justice..mobile phone companys breaching contracts, that,only seem to have one out`come, labelling the customer as a bad debtor and nothing else...yep hardknock soul destroying life which,makes no sense what,so`ever.
As 4 evolutionary believes system,s
the definition of,that,, being re`shaped,from survival of, the best adaptable in'to
survival of the,fittest, has left,many extinct and many dead just,like the religions
they seem to` dis`like so much ,but for me with this world, in the bad`shape,its in whose got the best,and quickest,solution thats not driven by profit of souls, or huge bank balances
while half the world starves and the rest, of us struggle to find a fair pay for a fair days work,,,science or god,whatever you believe,whose got the best,ideas, to,end poverty,,while,all`thats,on offer,is words broken promises, and, massive benefit changes leading to delays between paying in and being available to withdraw, up`setting,tight budgets,
SANTANDERS changes to the alliance nthingy being
one example, where the social, can justify missing payments and wash their hands by
passing the buck and hang`up on you with you`ll need to get your bank to investigate
leading to arrears sometimes..how that,helps to end child poverty ive no idea..
And,whose bright idea was it,to give the financial,sector, a chance to earn interest,in lump`sum benefit payments, away from a starved post office anyways,,&
think how much all,these changes etc must be costing the public purse..ah,well just,my
view nothing more,, like to know more of my history online
click on title...ps my pilot project which,is a source of idiosyncrazy,,he he, has
been changed completely and is truely a rep of the good`ol'days`s to 90`s,as best,as poss that,is....
i normally work with minidisc as a rule..so sortin music and editin videos,two hats man....And it`s no longer a wfs1st demo just an old`fashioned style,entertain`ment waitin patient`ly for some view`ers....
And, ye`ken,whit,ladies,your totally right,we guys cant multi`task,2save our lifes
& reputations, but then again yer`norm'ly right bout most things, aren`t ye.
so`go'on pay a visit and you won`t be dissapointed and ye dont even have2 watch,just,have it radio`style
in the background, till, theres not much on tv etc then view it..tech`stuff,best,use
a good system low base soft rock settings..do not play this record on a plastic box
all`ways wanted 2say that, a crazy4music mdj well,its the,
21st century aint it..thats me 4real ppssssssss, ^ and by no means least, if i ruled
the world and gave guaranteed equal rights to women could us guys ligitimatly complain
bout the toilet seat being left down all`th'time,,,
vote4me guys,,,syla 4def cdj59
Have fun...if you disagree with my political or religous view i`ll,listen 2u...
ive just found`out that my redirecting evr`y1 to mixpod coz,of tehnial,problems,
with players etc, has been,down too this silly {4want of a bet`r,word } machine im
using so,all,the time, youve been think`n, ol`dj`s,tak'n one of his`turns,again..
thats why, folks, but if`ye want,2meet or get2know ol`dj best,then both here an`my,profile at mixpod would, suit best 4u` 2do,so...syla, atb.. cdj
Old post never posted till now , mad rambling of a cdj yrs n yrs ago ; podbean familys1st n other things long gone; guess i had a lot 2say not sure my head was in a good place; but gonna post it anyway.